Life-Saving Reversal: Mr. Mincheol Gu's Remarkable Act of Courage

Reversing on the road is the most dangerous act while driving.

There is a person who saved many lives by reversing on the road. The hero's name is Mr. Mincheol Gu.

In the video (For watching, click on the link below), during the flooding of the Osong underground tunnel in South Korea, a passenger car entered the tunnel between the 747 bus and an 18-ton truck. Seeing the water rising in front of the bus, the driver (Mr. Gu) of the car immediately turned around, honked the horn, and started reversing. Upon hearing his warning, the drivers of a 45-passenger tourist bus, a 25-passenger bus, and several other cars also reversed, saving the lives of the drivers and passengers.

If Mr. Gu had not reversed in that way, this incident could have turned into a major disaster.

Mr. Gu exclaimed, "Mr.!, back up the car!" and bravely reversed, while some other vehicles followed him, saving lives. The KBS video below is the footage directly submitted by Mr. Gu.


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[조간] 한국의 핵심 이슈를 깊이 있게 정리 (2024년 11월19일)

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